All posts in Parenting

Feb 7, 2023

How to help your child break a bad habit

Bad habits in childhood are usually actions or behaviors repeated over and over, most often to help soothe a child when they feel anxious or uncomfortable. Most children aren’t aware they are doing the bad habit, and bad habits can be picked up at any time for a variety of reasons. The most common bad habits seen in children include nail biting, nose picking, hair twirling, thumb sucking, teeth grinding, lip biting or licking, or excessive screen time. More serious bad habits include lying, hitting, and biting

Jan 24, 2023

What should parents know about melatonin?

Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep is a problem with which anywhere from 15 to 25 percent of children or teens struggle. Increased screen time and exposure to ‘blue light,’ along with busy school and sports schedules, can make getting appropriate rest a challenge. In their quest for easier bedtimes or more restful sleep, parents and caregivers sometimes look to melatonin, an over-the-counter dietary supplement, to help. In fact, usage of the supplement is at an all-time high, and Nielson estimates sales of melatonin nearly tripled from 2018 to 2022. Here is what parents should know before they consider giving it to children.

Jan 3, 2023

How do I talk to children about disabilities?

Many parents have had the experience of being out with their child when they encounter someone with disabilities. Children are naturally curious and such encounters may often end in long stares, abrupt questions and perhaps some parental embarrassment. Whether it’s a classmate on the autism spectrum, a family member with Downs Syndrome, or a stranger in a wheelchair, parents need to be prepared to address their child’s curiosity and help them learn from the encounter. Here are a few suggestions on how to discuss disabilities with your child when they come to you with questions.