All posts in Parenting

Jul 5, 2022

How to help your family cope with inflation

For the past 12 or so months, Americans have watched the prices of goods and services in the U.S. rise steadily. The cost of everything, from gas to groceries, has risen as the purchasing power of money decreases. For a family budget inflation can feel very threatening, especially as the rate of inflation is sitting around 8 percent, a level not seen since the early 1980s. While we might like to think we’re approaching the end of the inflation tunnel, experts agree that we still have a way to go. Fortunately, there are steps parents can take to help protect their family finances during these fiscally challenging times.

Jun 28, 2022

What are Ways to Better the Parent-Grandparent Relationship?

There is no doubt that—in most cases—having an involved grandparent or grandparents is highly beneficial to children. The relationship between a child and grandparent is unique and special. It provides children with an added sense of safety and familial structure and can encourage independence through overnight sleepovers and other get togethers. In general, the greater grandparental involvement in a child’s life, the greater a child’s overall wellbeing.

Jun 21, 2022

How do I help my preschooler understand the death of a loved one?

In an ideal world, parents and caregivers wouldn’t have to help their child cope with the death of a loved one at a very young age. But while we may hope the hard conversations about life, death, and grief can wait until children are older, the reality is many parents will have to face this scenario during the preschool years—often with the passing of a grandparent or older relative. The death of a close friend or family member is stressful on both kids and grownups, and the best way to face it is head on and together. Here are some tips for helping your preschooler understand and cope with the death of someone they love.

May 31, 2022

What do parents and caregivers need to know about the formula shortage?

The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc in the lives of families with young children in many ways. Over the past two and a half years, childcare centers were closed, family members became sick, and restrictions changed daily, among other things. Though the United States is arguably through the worst of the pandemic, some families are still feeling the impact in surprising ways. One of those ways is the recent baby formula shortage happening across the country.