All posts in Parenting

Nov 22, 2022

Should I become a stay-at-home parent?

If there’s one thing parents and caregivers can all agree on, it’s simply that there is no such thing as a “one size fits all” method of child rearing. Some parents can successfully balance a busy career while raising a child, while others simply find it too difficult to manage and choose to stay at home full-time with their child. But in weighing the pros and cons of this difficult decision, remember there really is no right or wrong answer. It’s all about what works best for you—and your family.

Nov 1, 2022

How do I know if my child is ready for a pet?

Beyond making sure your entire family is ready to accommodate a new pet in the household, it’s prudent to watch for signs that your child is ready for a pet. Sometimes a child’s determination in getting a new pet does not equate with their determination in caring for the new pet. But if your child is ready, a pet can be a wonderful way to provide companionship, boost self-confidence, and encourage compassion. Here are a few signs your child may be ready for pet ownership.

Oct 25, 2022

What are some Halloween safety tips for children?

The fall brings lots of excitement for families with children. School festivals, community carnivals and sports events and activities are all in full swing, but it’s hard to beat the excitement of Halloween. While dressing up and going out in search of candy is a lot of fun, safety should always be the priority.

Oct 18, 2022

What are some common parenting myths to avoid?

Parents with young children know just how much advice lies around every corner. From the moment a new mom is pregnant, advice spills in from all directions–from child care employees, teachers, friends, family members and even total strangers. While their advice may come with the best intentions, it’s important to recognize when parenting strategies and recommendations may be outdated, or downright wrong.

Jul 26, 2022

What are tips to help my child avoid summer “Brain Drain?”

Summer “brain drain” or “summer slide” has been studied for decades and asserts that children’s learning falls backwards during the months they are not in school. While it is real and happens, most education experts contend that it isn’t really a loss of knowledge, but rather a lapse, and most students catch back up successfully following break. However, there are several easy ways parents and caregivers help combat summer brain drain while at home.