All posts in Parenting

Aug 6, 2024

What are ways to help my child transition into a new school year?

In the bright, fun and sunny days of summer break, the term “back to school” may be the three most challenging words for any child to hear. But the good news is there are many ways to ease the transition into a new school year that can help set you and your child up for success.  From restarting routines to sharpening their skills, here’s a game plan to help your child start a new school year with an “A+” attitude. 

Jun 4, 2024

What are the development milestones for a young child?

The development process begins the day your baby is born. Parents quickly realize that a newborn constantly grows, but the process isn't just about bodily changes. Along with physical changes, the development process includes rapid changes in a child's mind and skills, as well as gains in language, literacy, and communication that are nearly nonstop in these formative years.

Apr 22, 2024

Playground Safety Tips for Parents and Providers

As the weather warms and families head outdoors for entertainment, playgrounds are often a first stop for those with young children. Playgrounds provide plenty of fun, allow children the chance to exercise and practice their social skills, and they are a perfect location for the unstructured, imaginative play that experts say is integral for healthy childhood development. However, a big part of keeping that play fun for children is keeping it safe, and this is especially important on the playground.