All posts in Parenting

Nov 7, 2017

How much should my child weigh?

With childhood obesity rates skyrocketing in the United States, affecting one of every three children, the obesity epidemic can leave families wondering what an appropriate weight is for their children. Unfortunately, the answer is quite complex and there is no “right” weight. Healthy body weight will vary for each child. Even if another child is the same height and age as your child, they may still differ in weight because they have different body types or develop at different rates.

Oct 17, 2017

Should I give my child juice or fruit drinks?

Families want to provide children with the healthiest options possible. Colorful packaging can make it difficult to decide between fruit drinks and fruit juices when shopping. Though fruit juices and fruit drinks are both tasty, there are striking differences between them when comparing nutrition.

Oct 10, 2017

What to look for in child care provider's parent handbook?

High quality child care programs are dedicated to establishing and maintaining relationships with each child’s family. A high quality early learning program will provide opportunities for and encourage parent involvement in the program’s activities. As a part of family engagement and communication, a quality daycare will also provide a parent or family handbook designed to let you know important information about the program.