All posts in Child Development

Jun 29, 2021

How much sugar should my child eat?

For many adults, sugar played a major part in childhood diets, turning up in everything from sweetened breakfast cereals and fast food to even in hidden processed foods like ketchup, fruit juice and even granola. But as parents and caregivers learn more about the long-term effects of sugar in a child’s diet, how do you know how much is too much?

May 25, 2021

How can I help my child stop picking their nose?

As a child grows up, many parents and caregivers start noticing weird habits or behavioral tendencies in their children. Some of these are typical for kids of all ages, such as biting their nails, sticking their fingers in the ear and smelling the wax and so on. But picking the nose seems to be the grossest and most disturbing childhood habit of them all.

May 18, 2021

Why is family important in a child's development?

As a child grows and develops, his or her first human interactions are typically with family members and associated caregivers. These first contacts are vital for the development of a child’s socialization skills as well as teaching children how to have a better understanding of themselves and of people around them.

May 4, 2021

How important is it to read to a young child?

As parents and caregivers work hard to prepare their children for success in school—and in life—one of the most important things they can do is start reading to their child at an early age. By reading to a child, adults can help them get ready for formal education, open their mind to creativity and expose them to worlds they never could imagine on their own.

Nov 24, 2020

How do I know if my child has a food allergy?

As a parent or caregiver, you constantly monitor your child as they grow and develop, checking off important milestones to ensure they are on the path to health and wellness.  But what do you do if you suspect your infant or toddler may have a food allergy? According to Food Allergy Research and Education, about one out of every 13 children is allergic to at least one food item, with about 40 percent of those children having experienced a severe, life-threatening reaction.

Nov 11, 2020

Should I breastfeed my new baby or use formula?

As any new mother knows, one of the most important things to consider in regards to her baby’s nutritional needs is whether to breastfeed or use formula. There are many factors to consider in both cases and, ultimately, it comes down to what is best for an individual mother and her child.