All posts in Child Development

Aug 31, 2021

How much exercise does my child need?

Regular exercise is one of the most important things a child can do to get a healthy and productive start in life. Exercise not only helps a child improve their overall fitness, but it can also help a child increase their concentration, improve academic scores, encourage their self-esteem, and build stronger bones, muscles, and heart.

Aug 24, 2021

How can I help prevent sibiling rivalry?

For parents and caregivers with more than one child, sibling rivalry can often feel like daily wars on the home front. From arguing over what television show to watch to not sharing toys, there are many things can set off a battle of wills between two or more children.

Aug 17, 2021

How do I help my child build a love of literacy?

By the time we reach adulthood, most of us know that reading is one of the most important developmental tools we have as human beings. From an early age, reading changes the way our brains develop, teaches us how to relate to and communicate with other people, and helps us understand the world in brand new ways. For children, reading isn’t just about literacy.

Jun 29, 2021

How much sugar should my child eat?

For many adults, sugar played a major part in childhood diets, turning up in everything from sweetened breakfast cereals and fast food to even in hidden processed foods like ketchup, fruit juice and even granola. But as parents and caregivers learn more about the long-term effects of sugar in a child’s diet, how do you know how much is too much?

May 25, 2021

How can I help my child stop picking their nose?

As a child grows up, many parents and caregivers start noticing weird habits or behavioral tendencies in their children. Some of these are typical for kids of all ages, such as biting their nails, sticking their fingers in the ear and smelling the wax and so on. But picking the nose seems to be the grossest and most disturbing childhood habit of them all.